Take a stroll through Spondon's past with Spondon Historical Society's Village History Trail.
The Trail is a short walk of just over 1.5 miles around the village centre. Starting at the Village Hall and looping around Sitwell Street, Church Street, Locko Road, Chapel Street and Hall Dyke, the Trail includes more than 20 different locations with connections to Spondon's history.

Turning an everyday walk into a trip into the past, the Trail takes in locations such as Spondon's former cinema, a centuries-old well, a number of 'lost' houses and a piece of Spondon that's more than 1,100 years old!
There are several ways to find your way around the Village History Trail:
- A leaflet featuring a map and information about each Trail location is available for £1.50 from Spondon News, Cherrytree Framers and Housley's Chemist in the village.
- Three info boards located at Spondon Library, the turning circle on Church Street and outside Coop on Chapelside each have information and directions for different sections of the Trail (although in less detail than in the leaflet)
- You can also try hunting down some of the locations yourself by looking out for the green History Trail plaques on the route (although these aren't in place on every location!)

For those looking for some longer local walks which go a bit further afield, the Spondon Archive book titled "Exploring Spondon: walks through Spondon's history" is also available, again from Spondon News and Housley's.