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Discounted safety and security equipment on offer

Safer Spondon is a sub group of Spondon Neighbourhood Board and run by local residents works in partnership with the Police Spondon Safer Neighbourhood Team to improve the safety and welfare of Spondon residents.

The group offers personal and property security items for sale at competitive rates to local people.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the following or want more information please email or call 07706 123526 to speak to Sue.

Items available are:

Carbon Monoxide Indicator £5.00 for pack of 2
Ceiling/Wall PIR Alarm £5.00
Padlock Alarm £11.70
Sensor Red Light £5.10
Door Handle Alarm £5.00
Walking Stick Alarm £6.35
Defender Slimline Alarm £3.20
Alert Multifunction Alarm £5.00
Defender 111T Alarm £5.00
Defender All Purpose Alarm £3.20
Defender Heart Shape Handbag Alarm £3.20
Simulated Electronic Alarm £3.20
Defender Minimix Alarm £2.00
Defender Wrist Alarm £3.20
Mini Handbag Alarm £3.20
Mini Door Chime £3.20
Stop Check Mirrors £2.00
Mini Alarms £2.00
Purse Bells £0.50
Window Shock Alarms £6.00
Dog Bone Poo Bag Holders £1.20
Yellow Window Signs and holder £1.00
Smartwater Kits – one off payment, no annual registration costs or other costs to pay £20.00