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Village Management Team launched in Spondon

About 4 months ago, the Spondon Traders Association entered a competition for £100,000.00 funding to improve and develop the Village centre. The main aims were to increase parking behind the Village Hall, improved parking for the mobility impaired, re-open the Public Conveniences and improve the accessibility and appearance of shops throughout the village centre.

Unfortunately we were unsuccessful. However as a direct result of the entry, we realised that a great deal more could be achieved by working even more closely with all the other groups that put so much time and effort into our village. It was decided to create a small overseeing group that would work very closely with the Spondon Neighbourhood Board, to allow a much more unified approach to the development and growth within the village.

This village management team has met a number of times, and we have started to develop plans, hoping to find a way to re-open the conveniences and also make improvements to accessibility within the village.

The Traders Association were delighted to find out that as a consequence of entering the competition, we have now been awarded £10,000.00 to undertake the most important project of our entry. This is obviously the work on the car park, increasing the space to park and increasing the mobility impaired parking spaces.

We hope to get this project underway very soon; plans are already being prepared to put to Derby City planners. I’ll keep everyone informed of progress.

Mark Davis