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2011 Census coming to a Letterbox near you

On 27 March 2011 all residential households in the United Kingdom will be taking part in a census.

Since 1801 a day has been chosen every ten years for this purpose (except in 1941
during the Second World War). The census provides an excellent source of information about the population.

Census statistics are used to work out what supermarkets sell to keep stocked up with your favourites. Fire brigades and the police use census data to help communities, putting fire alarms and crime prevention measures in specific areas.

The benefits are far reaching. The census statistics also feed into the allocation of funding for local authorities, so it is crucial the population estimate is accurate.

When the questionnaire envelope comes through the door you’ll easily recognise it by the purple 2011 Census logo. Take care of it.

If you want to complete the questionnaire online, your individual internet code is on the front of the questionnaire. If you need help filling it in there is a wide range of help options available (such as language guidance booklets, large print format, Text Relay and census field staff on hand, as well as online help and telephone call centres).

For more general information about the 2011 Census visit the website at

Statistics about Spondon from the 2001 Census can be seen here.