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New funding allocated by Spondon Neighbourhood Board

At the last Spondon Neighbourhood Board meeting, the board considered and approved three proposals for funding:

Spondon Festival Committee: Contribution to costs of Festival 2012 - £2,000
St Werburgh’s Cellar Club: New equipment for the Youth Club - £720
Marches Energy Agency: Energy Advice Event at Spondon Festival - £300

The Board also agreed a new Highways and Transport priority for this year 2012/13 as one of the original priorities was no longer an option. The new Board priority is to resurface Sitwell Street footway western side, complimenting the existing priority to resurface the footway along the eastern side of Sitwell Street from Moor Street towards the garage. Work is expected to be completed early in 2013.

Your group or organisation may also be able to apply for funding if it needs money to help tackle one of the following six Spondon priorities:
1. Improve Community Engagement and Empowerment
2. Improve highways and transport in Spondon
3. Improve the environment in Spondon
4. Improve community safety in Spondon
5. Create a thriving and vibrant Spondon
6. Create a healthier Spondon community

Please contact one of your local Councillors or Neighbourhood Partnership Manager, Richard Smail, for an application form:

Cllr Evonne Williams - Tel: 01332 664560 e-mail:
Cllr Chris Poulter - Tel: 01332 643640 e-mail:
Cllr Harvey Jennings - Tel: 01332 233138 e-mail:
Richard Smail - Tel: 01332 258505, e-mail: